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Joel Meyerowitz was born on March 6, 1963 and is both a street and landscape photographer. In 1962, Meyerowitz was inspired by seeing Robert Frank's work, so he quit his job as an art director at an advertising agency and began photographing the streets with his 35 mm camera and black-and-white film. Although many of his pictures are taken in black and white, he was a big advocate of colour photography in a time, around the 60s, when colour was discouraged in photographs. In 1972 he permanently switched to colour. In the 70s, he taught colour photography at the Cooper Union in New York City. His work is in the New York collections of the International Center of PhotographyMuseum of Modern Art, and New York Public Library, and the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago. Meyerowitz is also the author of 16 books. Notably, Meyerowitz photographed the aftermath of 9/11 and was the only photographer allowed unrestricted access to Ground Zero. This produced his book Aftermath: World Trade Center Archive. On January 18, 2017 he was honored with a place at the Leica Hall of Fame and people described him as a "magician using colour". He was able to capture and frame a decisive moment.



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